martes, 20 de febrero de 2024




José Delgado González. Jungian psychologist and therapist.


At the fabric of human existence, there is a deep longing that goes beyond daily worries and worldly occupations. This longing is the search for connection with the transcendental, a force or reality that transcends the limits of the tangible and the material. The connection to the transcendental is a fundamental aspect of the human experience that has intrigued philosophers, mystics, and spiritual seekers throughout history.

The Nature of the Transcendental

The transcendental encompasses those dimensions of existence that are beyond rational and sensory comprehension. It goes beyond the physical and the visible, into the realm of the spiritual, the metaphysical, and the divine. For many, the transcendental represents the connection to a higher power, a cosmic order, or an ultimate reality that transcends the limitations of time and space.

The Search for Meaning

The search for connection to the transcendental stems from a deep human yearning to find meaning and purpose in life. In a world full of uncertainty and change, we seek answers to fundamental questions about the meaning of our existence, the origin of the universe, and our place in it. Connection to the transcendental offers us a sense of belonging and a broader understanding of reality that transcends the confines of individual experience.

Forms of Exploration

The connection to the transcendental can manifest in a variety of ways, depending on individual beliefs and experiences. Some people find this connection through religious and spiritual practices rooted in age-old traditions. For others, the connection to the transcendental is experienced through the contemplation of nature, the practice of meditation, art, music, or philosophy.

Impact on Everyday Life

The connection to the transcendental is not only an abstract spiritual experience, but also has a profound impact on our everyday lives. It gives us a sense of inner peace and fulfillment that transcends external circumstances. It inspires us to live with compassion, love, and gratitude toward ourselves and others. It helps us face life's challenges with courage and determination, knowing that we are part of something bigger and more meaningful than ourselves.

The Path of Exploration

Exploring the connection to the transcendental is a personal and unique journey for each individual. It requires open-mindedness, a willingness to explore new ideas and experiences, and a sense of wonder and reverence for the mystery of life. This path can be challenging at times, but it is also profoundly enriching and transformative.

Ultimately, the connection to the transcendental invites us to transcend the limitations of our mind and ego, and to open ourselves to the vastness and beauty of the universe. It's a reminder that we are part of something infinitely bigger and more beautiful than we can imagine, and that our search for meaning and purpose in life is part of an eternal journey toward light and truth.

In our quest to understand and explore the connection to the transcendental, we find an echo of ancient wisdom that reminds us that we are ultimately spiritual beings living a human experience.

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