lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010

THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE WISE. The new historical novel of José Antonio Delgado (English Version)

After five years of investigation, reflection and introspective meditation, I have the pleasure of announcing that my historical novel, The Brotherhood of the Wise, will be edited by Entrelíneas Editores at the end of February, 2011, approximately.

In future announcements, we are going to indicate the dates and the places in which the official acts of presentation will take place. Likewise, we will warn of the interviews that grant the different mass media to the author. And, as far as possible, we will published them in this blog.

Synopsis of the historical novel: 

After having remained four years enclosed in a jail, for having been unjustly accused of committing a gender violence offence, and advised by one of the civil servants of prison, Juan, the principal character of the novel, goes to an ancient monastery, been away of the boisterous bustle of the big cities, and he will turn into privileged member of a community of twelve novices, managed by an elderly monk. Under the direction of his master, a real spiritual authority, Juan is starting out in the knowledge of the most excellent esoteric western slopes. During nine years, that he resides in the monastery, he will learn to question great part of the beliefs that the orthodoxy christens and modern society consider valid and real. With it, he will find the way towards the self-knowledge, a way that, invariable and inexorably, it leads to the unification of science and religión.

Spanish version (versión española) here (aquí)

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